
top three thursday: vacation countries

i often dream of traveling to foreign countries. and by dream, i mean think about it every day and look up plane ticket prices. this weeks top three is which countries in the world you want to visit most.

1. costa rica: the more and more i've been thinking about this, the more i want to go. after visiting south america, i've really wanted to visit more spanish speaking countries and immersing myself in their culture. i've heard so many good things about costa rica so i would love to go down there and spend a few months volunteering whether it be saving the turtles or building houses. plus the tropical parts of the country would be great to spend time in after the hard work. i can't wait to go here.

2. spain: again, another spanish speaking country for obvious reason. but it's not just that. spain is very well known for their architecture and i'm a huge fan of beautiful buildings and i really want to see them. not to mention, i want to sleep until 10:00am, drink wine all day, eat dinner at 11:00pm and listen to spanish guitar. it sounds like one of the best places ever. i could do it on a vacation or a long-term trip. either way, i'll be happy. (i think i may be there in less than a year!)

3. thailand: i can't say that many asian countries are high on my list for places to visit, but thailand is definitely one that is up there. one main reason i want to go here is to try the food. thai food is probably one of my most favorite cuisines and i really want to see how it's really prepared, how spicy it is and what it really tastes like. also, i'm really interested in the climate and the culture of this country. something about it just calls to me and i really want to live in a tree house and work on an elephant farm. it sounds very fun and humbling at the same time. i think i would love it.

where do you want to go most in the world? what draws you to these places?

1 comment:

  1. You should totally make this happen! Especially Costa Rica and Thailand! I've never been to Spain, but I absolutely loved both Thailand and CR. If i went back to Thailand, I would spend a couple weeks volunteering with rescued elephants up north!!

    Not going to lie, right now I want to go to Seattle more than anywhere else in the world. I just need to be hooooome :)
